Sunday, January 14, 2018

Beginning of a journey

After talking with some people over the years and often discussing starting a blog detailing my adventures in miniature wargaming and it's surrounding hobby, I have finally decided to do so.  Recently had what I call a "hobby reset", in which i pared down the great majority of Armies that I owned in order to focus on a single army instead of 4-6. From here on out, I will be attempting to remember to photograph W.I.P's of models as they get painted, and if wanted, assembled as well.  I will be recording color combinations for base colors, highlights, and shades as I progress through this army.  Hopefully this will be found entertaining by others and I can remember to update it regularly. First post with pictures should be in a few days (once the weather warms up for some quality priming) and will most likely be of my newly started Skaven army.  Expect Necromunda, and Blood Bowl as well!  Thanks!


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere my friend!

  2. Thank ya thank ya! We'll see how often I can keep this thing updated.... I usually forget to take pics as i'm working on stuff roflmao.

  3. I second that welcome!

    Hey, if you don't do WIP pics, at least use this place as a gallery. Your stuff is too good to not share!



So after getting some fairly large commission work finished the past couple of weeks im finally able to put more time into the 'jawz aga...