Monday, April 9, 2018

Searching for my inspiration, my best work yet?

So, i've been going through a crisis of sorts regarding whether or not to get out of the hobby all together.....  So after seriously thinking about it (and selling all of my terrain to boot lol)  I decided to sit down and paint up one of the models from the Shadespire Orruk warband.  Just to see if I would still feel interested.  Now this is a complete one off as I didn't intend to paint the rest of them. But now, i'm not so sure. Seeing as there are only 4 models in the warband, 30 hours to do them seems like an ok deal..... heck... may be more than 30 when/if I finish them all.  Anyway, on to the pictures.

Now, this guy isn't completely finished yet, and i've got around 6 or so hours into him at this point, but it's 4:00 Am now and I have to get my son up in the morning for school so I beleive its time for bed at this point. Let me know what you think guys. While i really do love how this is turning out, i'm not sure I still have the drive to stick with the hobby anymore.  Maybe take smallish commissions so I get to paint and not have to worry about playing. Anyway, thanks for checking it out!


So after getting some fairly large commission work finished the past couple of weeks im finally able to put more time into the 'jawz aga...